Fontana's Movie Mini-Reviews

Keep in mind that my favorite movie is Runaway Jury.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

King Arthur

Things I learned from the movie King Arthur starring Clive Owen and Kiera Knightly:

1) Guinevere was a half-crazy naked wolf lady.

2) She and King Arthur got married at Stonehenge.

So there you go. Facts.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Okay, peep this: You've just gotten home from a long day of work. You chillax on the couch and turn on the TV, ready to watch some kind of CSI garbage or whatever. Then something awesome happens:

You see that your roommate has TiVoed an episode of Becker! Becker! Becker, as in "your-grandparents-favorite-TV-show-tied-with-MASH" Becker. Becker like "the-TV-show-that-for-some-reason-your-old-boss-used-as-the-standard-
of-comedy-to-which-to-all-other-comedy-should-be-held" Becker.

You should have sensed that something was off since your roommate mostly TiVos documentaries about Ancient Rome and French news programs and Charlie Rose, but you didn't want to question this felicitous turn of events. Then you select it, only to realize that it is actually the movie Becket starring Richard Burton and Peter O'Toole. Ugh.

Dear Becket: You, sir, are no Becker.

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Friday, June 02, 2006

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

At the beginning of this movie someone says something like "This isn't a story about numbers, it's a story about people."

Spoiler alert: It's a story about numbers.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Transporter 2

Here are some things that happened in Transporter 2:

The transporter jumps his car from one parking structure across the distance of a city block into the middle level of another parking structure.

The transporter removes a bomb from the bottom of his car by making his car jump to the height of a temporarily out of use crane, hooking the bomb onto the crane latch, and letting gravity to do the rest.

The transporter uses innuendo to compare a recently ordered pizza to the advances of a beautiful woman.

Here is a list of problems I had with Transporter 2:


Incidentally, these are the same problems I had with Transporter 1.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I decided to watch this French movie because the back cover contained the phrases “drawn into an ever-widening web of lies,” “dark, secret life,” and “startling discovery and heartstopping surprise.” I was made a fool of because the story was totally linear with no surprises or webs of lies. The maddening part is that there were plenty of places for surprises; like when the hooker calls Juliette Binoche out of her apartment in the middle of the night because she “needs someone to talk to,” you think “she is totally helping someone else break in and plant a wiretap.” Nope! Everything’s above board!

Also, two movie-making notes for the French:

1. Americans already invented a way of indicating the passing of time in a movie (i.e. hands on a clock moving really fast). No need to reinvent the wheel with your close up on a coffee cup with shadows passing over it.

2. If your scenes don’t have a direct relation to the plot, and that plot isn’t even about a hidden map on the back of the Declaration of Independence, what are you even doing?

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights

Patrick Swayze, who plays a dance instructor character that is neither a reprisal of his original role nor is related to the main plot, says that if you can't move through your fear and connect with yourself, you can never connect with your partner. I've done a lot of research on the internet, but I have not yet been able to verify whether or not this is true.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Stepford Wives

The problem with this movie is that it doesn’t have the cultural impact of the original. Nowadays everyone just assumes that most women are hot robots.